Okay, it’s the end of April and we’ve just had a massive snow blizzard, but we are apparently right in the middle of spring, so here are a few tips to see you into it.
You may not be ready for salads yet, but if we want to fit into that skimpy summer dress, here are some foods that may help:
Sea Bass – Nutritious and full of protein, iron and other minerals
Grapefruit – An old dieting favourite, for good reason! Studies show that the chemical properties in grapefruit can reduce insulin levels, which promote weight loss and boosts metabolism, plus it’s an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, and fibre.
Nettles – What, really?? Yes, really!! Rich in potassium, calcium, vitamins A, B, C and iron, nettles offer appetite-suppressing qualities as they release neurotransmitters serotonin and acetylcholine. They also possess diuretic properties alleviating water weight, releasing toxins and purifying the blood. Substitute nettles in recipes that call for spinach (in dips, soups or spinach pie). Who says slimming food has to cost a fortune!
Apricots – Apricots come into season toward the end of spring in the warmer areas where they grow and offer 60 percent of your daily-recommended dose of vitamin A.
Cherries – Cherries make a great low-calorie snack for dieters. Loaded with nutrients that help promote detoxification and powerful antioxidants that help boost immunity, cherries can help fight off damaging free radicals. Free radicals can slow us down and can make weight-loss programs challenging.
Mint – Arriving in early spring, mint makes a super, nearly calorie-free replacement for sugar or flavored syrup in drinks. Add it to tea, lemonade and other drinks for a no-cal kick. Another added bonus? It may help curb your appetite. One study by Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia found that just smelling mint on a regular basis helped subjects eat 2800 calories less per week than those who weren’t exposed to the scent. So buy a mint plant and whiff away!
Radishes – With a mere 19 calories per cup, radishes are a stellar diet food. Rich in potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C, radishes’ high water and fiber content help fill you up. Slice them into a salad, grill them or add them into dishes with other veggies like corn and cucumbers.
Cherry Tomatoes – These low-calorie, water-rich, bite-sized tomatoes are great in salads, recipes or anytime you need a snack. Or, cut these candy-like veggies in half and add them to your next pasta dish. Adding ‘high volume’, lower-calorie and nutrient-rich foods like cherry tomatoes means you can still enjoy foods like pasta without sabotaging your weight loss efforts.
Rhubarb – Often the first fruit of spring, rhubarb is high in nutrition and low in calories. Rhubarb is a low-glycemic fruit, high in vitamin C, fiber and potassium. A good source of fiber (which aids in blood-sugar regulation and ultimately helps in managing hunger by preventing peaks and valleys in glucose levels), rhubarb may also speed up metabolism and aid weight loss.
Set yourself a summer goal – could you lose another stone by then? It will give you a boost and you will feel confident enough to venture outside in the British summer weather!
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