If, like us, you are feeling the pinch and can’t afford for your family to each eat their full 5-a-day as recommended, then do what we do – make a fruit salad using the following ingredients. This will easily serve 4 people, and if you like, you could top it with low-fat custard or squirty cream!
1 apple, chopped and diced
1 pear, chopped and diced
1 banana, sliced
1 slice pineapple, cubed
Half a dozen strawberries, quartered
A dozen grapes, quartered
1 orange, separated into segments
1 kiwi fruit, sliced and diced
You can, of course, use any fruit available, depending on what’s in season.
Okay, it’s not ideal, but it’s something. And if you make a salad, or vegetable soup/stew, your family can have at least a good portion of their 5-a-day, which is way better than nothing!
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This topic was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by LadyAngel.
You can also do the same with salad – quarter 6 or 7 cucumber slices, slice and chop 1 tomato and cut up a quarter of an iceberg lettuce and a spring onion with a bit of diced yellow pepper for colour. Mix them together and this can serve 2 people easily.
Any unused veg at the end of the week can be chopped and boiled with stock, a tin of chopped tomatoes and a few lentils. Makes a nourishing meal. You can add half a teaspoon each of cumin and ginger for a bit of a tang!
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