When making a post, or replying to one, you can use any free image host. Simply upload your image, and take the direct image link. then use ‘Insert/Insert/edit image/’ from the top menu of the posting box. Add the direct image link and press ‘OK’.
TinyPic will give you the code to paste into the editor once you have uploaded it. Postimage.org will either post the image directly into the posting box or give you the links. Take the direct image link and post it as formally described.
Please remember that the first image you post will be the one shown on the topic listing page, even if that’s a smiley! We are hoping to introduce a much more efficient way of posting featured images in the future, so please be patient.
Please use our forums for website support unless your support request contains sensitive info. For recipe support, please use the comments section below the recipe itself.
This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by LadyAngel.